Monday, March 16, 2009

Urban Cookie Monster

Over the weekend we happened to sample some delicious cookies from Urban Cookies. Apparently, they were recently featured on Rachel Ray. Not that I am a big fan of the redundant "E-V-O-O" gal, but she (or more likely her people) got it right focusing on this Phoenix shop. All of their ingredients are organic and of the highest quality. They make four specialty cookies and make them so well that it's hard to pick a favorite: Urban Cookie, Simple Urban, Urban Tropic and Urban Trail. Yesterday evening I decided to make my own gourmet cookie. I made a special trip to Sprouts to pick up the essentials and couldn't pass up a block of chocolate with "Quality" written right on it. Surely this would ensure my success---oh and did it ever. Fantastic!

1 comment:

Pear said...

Send me some! YUM!!