Monday, October 20, 2008

Our First Scorpion

Friday, October 17th
A Message Home:

YO! or HOLA! or CIAO! or HI THERE! Hope you have had a good week. Saw our first scorpion last night. Luckily it was OUTSIDE. We were taking a short walk to check the mail and I noticed it on the sidewalk. Fairly good sized fellow. Which I suppose means less dangerous?!? Anyway...we scardy cats took the other side of the sidewalk when we walked back. Kind of freaked us both out. When we went on a "hike" last weekend there were signs posted that said CAUTION!!! SNAKES ARE OUT!!!! and then had a cartoon picture of a rattlesnake. Uhhh...Adam...I'm not too sure about this. Without the company of Austin the expert marksman and John the snake distracter I really don't feel all that safe in the desert. Adam said...well next time we can wear jeans. And bring a gun and wear boots---I said. So yeah...I don't think I am quite cut out for this rough landscape. I was also scared that a mountain lion would pounce on us at any moment and eat our heads. Advice? :-)


I would imagine that you were far more likely to fall down a set of slippery, frozen metal stairs to your death in an attempt to wash your underwear in Cleveland than you are likely to have your head eaten by a mountain lion. On the other hand, wear jeans and cover your toes when hiking in the desert. At the very least shorts with boots. We'll talk to you later.

Methinks it might have been this type.

1 comment:

nmsc said...

I think the smaller they are, the more dangerous they are. Get this, my sister's dog was being weird at 2 a.m. (lotsa barking), so my sister looks in the front yard and there are two coyotes 2 feet from her bedroom window!!!