Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Kitty Caucus

Slow news day? Latest News section on CNN reads, " cats vote in 'kitty caucus.'" WHAT? I had to click on it. Had to. Now, this is the type of headline you would expect to encounter on The Onion, but not CNN. Apparently, a gaggle of kitties will be "casting votes" or "pooping" until election day for their favorite candidate in respective blue and red litter boxes. Blue for Obama (of course) and Red for McCain. On November 4th the fecal matter will be tabulated, and whoever has the most poops wins. Are we sure that these kitties aren't actually registered voters? I mean, with all the recent accusations against can we be sure? And another thing...we may want to consider this process for our own election. It really would get to the heart of the current mood of the country, everything right now just plain stinks. The winner truly will be the one with the most shit to deal with.

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